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 O̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Dating During Lockdown

We can’t call it ‘online dating’ anymore if there’s no other alternative. It’s just dating now.

That’s it, this is the way it is. 

So, how do you go about finding the person of your dreams at a time where you can’t even leave the house? Well, I’m very happy to let you know it’s easier, less effort and cheaper than old school dating ‘in real life’.

How to meet someone new?  

Ok, so, unless you’re super cool and meet someone at a bar or you’re lucky enough to have worked with the love of your life, the way you’re gonna meet someone now hasn’t changed from the way you did before. Hinge, Bumble, Tinder all still great choices BUT now you have the added bonus of being able to suggest a video chat as your first date. This, right here, is a gift. 

Think of all those dates you went on in the years B.C.19 where your pre-chat was on fire, you totally got each other’s weird, quirky sense of humour and It turned out you both LOVE stuffed pasta, what are the chances! 

Only to have them arrive and as soon as you catch each other’s eye you know this is a dead fish. From here on in all you can think is ‘how fast can I drink this drink without indigestion’ ‘Why did I let them buy the first round, now I have to stay for two’ ‘These drinks are expensive’, ‘They won’t stop talking about fresh stuffed pasta.’ 

The feeling as you go home of having wasted; money, a good outfit and three hours of your life forces you to never EVER go on a date again and realise that you’re, actually, very happy on your own. 

Enter, the wonders of a video date!

1. Dressing up from the top up.

No need to wear uncomfortable shoes or trousers that are too tight but make your bum look good, you just need to think about your shoulders and your head, two key features to any hot bod. 
2. Charisma and connection determined (to a point)
On text people have time to think and Google the best things to say. On a video chat, it’s all them baby. I used to ask guys if they’d have a conversation with me on the phone before we met in person and 9 times out of 10 they wouldn’t. This is a common anxiety which I’m pleased to say we might be overcoming.
3. Easy bail out
‘Poor connectivity issues’ - no need for the fake friend phone call, which, let’s face it, nobody has ever nailed the delivery of and just leads to heartbreak and embarrassment for all (except the friend on the other side of the phone who’s laughing, a lot, way more than they should). Taking that close to two hour disaster date, to a perfectly polite 20 min soiree. 

If the first date goes well

Amazing! SO happy for you, your video date has gone well and you’ve agreed to go  o̶u̶t̶ in (not sure that replacement works 🙄😬) again.

Here are some great suggestions for date number 2:

Online Zoom party hosted by Panther Panther

These are DJs based in Bristol and every Friday they host a Zoom party. The link is shared on their Facebook page each Friday and you just turn up and donate £ if you can (they share a link in the chat). The music is carnival and tropical disco vibes. 

Because it’s a Zoom party you can see one another and check out their dance moves. I suggest you call each other from your phone (old school) to talk at the same time but, you can also just flirt on video and enjoy the music. 


Dinner in or Virtual Wine Tasting

Drop in on our friends at KinoVino online and they'll send you a recipe for the perfect date night dinner, for free, including a recipe for a meal, themed to accompany one of three films. 

Or, if that's still too much investment at this point in your 'relationship' (time and effort, as opposed to money) then why not do your own wine tasting. You both bring a glass, or two of whatever wine is in the house and let the creative vocabulary run wild, it's a good chance to see if your sense of humour, taste, opinions, ability to disagree can work together.

Netflix & Chill

Rather nifty Google Chrome plug in ‘Netflix Party’ allows you both to watch a Netflix show or film at exactly the same time.

You both need a Netflix account but if you do, download the plugin to your chrome browser. Go to Netflix, click the Netflix Party logo in your browser window (it’s a red NP) then click to start a party. 

There’s a chat window you can send messages to each other in while you watch.

Date Three

I’m welling up, this is so beautiful. How amazing that something so precious can come from something so… ahem ok. Right. 

So, now’s the time to meet the friends and family. Send a Zoom link to all your biggest Whatsapp groups and get everyone involved. 

Ok, no, I’m joking. You’re probably starting to worry about what you’re going to talk about seeing as ‘how was your day’ doesn’t really get us that far anymore. A shared activity or a game is what you need. 

Both of you should prepare something to play/discuss, here are some suggestions:

A personalised quiz, specifically following the format of well-loved ‘Mastermind’. One general knowledge round and then a chosen specialist subject. This is particularly nice because you will be researching something that they have a passion in, thus, learning something about them at the same time.

Show and Tell (no, not that kind of third date!) You each bring something to the screen to talk about that means something to you. 

School of life question cards - Only one of you needs to buy these but you should split the costs, of course. 

Conversation menus, 

20 Menus with 12 questions per menu, across varying themes - to foster friendship and bring meals to life.

100 questions

A set of 100 question cards to spark meaningful conversations around love, life, culture and family.


Pillow Talk

60 cards to prompt us to share our intimate desires.


If you’re still getting on and enjoying each other’s company by the fourth date then I am genuinely so happy for you. Now why not turn the pressure dial down and just get to know each other. 

Or, if too soon for that, try one of our home kits ordered to each of your houses and enjoyed online together -
