Calypso Rose
What we're offering this Black Friday

Your order this week will help people effected by the Valencia Flood. Scroll down...
✌️ Impeccable experiences over impulsive expenses. ✌️
FOMO is about to wiggle its way into our subconscious. It’s that time again. Black Friday is about to hit. Now anyone who has been an Indytute customer for a couple of years already knows that I am not a fan of the trend. It benefits large companies while probably not helping the customers themselves. Everyone loves a bargain, I just don’t like being given a countdown. It makes me feel stressed. Reports say that sales from B.F are down, but it is still one of the biggest days of the year for online retailers, with Amazon leading the pack - we are of course not Amazon.As a small business we can’t, and don’t want to, compete. Our experience partners are, overwhelmingly, the same size as we are. They are owned, and run, by individuals who work to keep their dreams alive. This can be a microbrewery, a pottery studio, or a company with a glamping site.
We keep our classes and our margins small, and can’t afford to slash the prices to create a weekend's worth of noise.
So, prompted by the up and coming sales bonanza that is Black Friday, I also ask you to avoid the hype and ‘Think small’. Our partners are, without exception, a very impressive collection, who really care that you get the best service they can offer. So I won’t be doing a budget version over the weekend. Not because I’m mean, but because experiences don’t really lend themselves to the concept.
With that said, for this week (Nov 11th) your order will help the people of Valencia in Spain so for every order I’ll be giving £5 + free delivery to GlobalGiving who distribute to grassroots charities that are on the ground giving support to families.
USE CODE: VALENCIA (or click this link)
You know, it's like trying to put a price tag on sunshine, or expecting a two-for-one deal on rainbows—it's simply not how the universe works!
Here at Indytute, we're more about the lols you get from a pottery mishap or the camaraderie from a shared harmonica lesson, rather than the mad dash to grab a blender at half price because, well, who doesn't need an extra blender?
Our experiences are a smorgasbord of "Aha!" moments and uncontrollable giggles, rather than a bargain bin of "Huh, why did I buy this?" They're like finding a vintage vinyl record of your favorite band in perfect condition.
So while the world is going bonkers over discounted doodads and gizmos, imagine yourself swing dancing past the chaos, ukulele in hand, off to learn a tune you'll hum for years. Or picture yourself having a moment of zen-making bread. That’s what we’re about: impeccable experiences over impulsive expenses.
Because let’s face it, the stories of midnight snags are forgettable, but the time you crafted a rug in Hackney? Now that’s a tale that will hang in your home for a long time.